Thursday, August 23
What have we learned, which lessons won't stick?
Tracing the edges of wisdom and shit
— "Knowing How The World Works", Les Savy Fav
Tracing the edges of wisdom and shit
— "Knowing How The World Works", Les Savy Fav
Wednesday, August 8
Le cinéma d'avant-garde constitue un laboratoire mais aussi un conservatoire, en ce qu'il préserve des idéaux esthétiques pour la plupart institués au siècle des Lumières, à commencer par les dynamiques de novation, d'originalité, de critique et de responsabilité politique de l'art, qui restent bien étrangères au cinéma de grande consommation.
— Nicole Brenez
Tuesday, August 7
Une autre forme de cinéma utopiste concerne l'organisation du tournage. Le temps d'une création, une communauté humaine élabore des règles de fonctionnement qui refusent la division du travail, la hiérarchie, les conventions.
— Nicole Brenez
Time was, in a so-called classical tradition of cinema, when the preparation of a film meant first of all finding a good story, developing it, scripting it and writing dialogue; with that done, you found actors who suited the characters and then you shot it. This is something I've done twice, with Paris nous appartient [1960] and La Religieuse [1966], and I found the method totally unsatisfying.... What I have tried since — after many others, following the precedents of Rouch, Godard and so on — is to attempt to find, alone or in company..., a generating principle which will then, as though on its own (I stress the "as though"), develop in an autonomous manner and engender a filmic product from which, afterwards, a film...can be cut, or rather "produced".
— Jacques Rivette